PFax Server
Solution that enables a computer to send and Receive Fax messages
PWebFax offers web user interface to every user for Fax communication. This allows user send or receive fax from their computer connected to organization network.
It offers to deliver inbound fax over email that eliminated any delay in fax distribution process and increase employee productivity.
Deployment of PWebFax helps to reduce expensive paper, telephony, and hardware costs.
Offers web based user interface with secured access for Sending/Receiving Fax.
Possible to send fax as email attachment to the user’s email ID.
Allows to send fax to multiple numbers simultaneously.
Stores all received faxes in user’s inbox and can be accessed as and when required.
Maintains log of every sent and received fax.
Facilitates to resend fax to another user.
- Reduce paper waste by storing faxes electronically
- Provides facility to print Incoming faxes on a standard computer printer
Ease of operation:
Enables employee to send or receive fax from their own desktop machine.
No need of manual Fax distribution as it can be made available
over individuals associated email address.
Increase productivity:
Increase productivity by sending, receiving, and managing faxes from
any computer on organizational network and email applications
Multiple & variable Greetings can be assigned depending on employee
hierarchy, Department and Time & Date of Day.
Increase service efficiency:
Eliminate manual and time consuming process of sending-receiving fax.
Reduces the cost of operating and maintaining fax machines.ÎåÎñÎñ
Customize operation:
Fax Server application can be integrated with customer
CRM applications or Email Server
- PWebFax Analog
- PWebFax IP